This post comes from Kristi Arnold of Kristi has some amazing ideas to share with you today for cleaning products using vinegar!
Vinegar is an amazing cleaning product. It’s all natural, incredibly frugal and won’t hurt your kids and pets like some store-bought cleaning solutions. Blending vinegar with other natural products can give you a cleaning solution for just about any need in your home!
Try these seven vinegar cleaning recipes to keep your whole home sparkling and safe from unhealthy chemicals.
7 Homemade Vinegar Cleaning Recipes
Orange Cleaner
Save your orange peels and place them in a canning jar with white vinegar poured over them. In a few days, the orange essence will infuse into the vinegar and give you a fantastic-smelling homemade cleaning solution.
Floor Cleaner
Mix one cup each of white vinegar and baking soda, plus a tablespoon of homemade dish soap into 2 gallons of hot water. Mop your floors with this mix to keep them clean and shining.
Easy Glass Cleaner
Mix about ½ cup white vinegar with 2 cups of water and pour into a spray bottle for healthy homemade glass cleaner.
Tub & Tile Cleaner
1 2/3 cup baking soda + 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and ½ cup castile soap and ½ cup water makes a great tub and tile cleaner.
Drain Cleaner
Stubborn drain? Don’t pour harsh chemicals into your sink. Instead pour in about ½ cup of baking soda, 1 cup of white vinegar and let it sit for about half an hour. Then pour very hot water (we’re talking boiling here) to blow out the clog.
Carpet Cleaner
½ cup each of white vinegar and water can be sprayed with a spray bottle onto carpet stains. Let it sit for a few minutes and then scrub it out with a brush. If necessary, use a bit of warm soap and water to get the vinegar smell out.
Shower Spray
2 cups water, 1 cup white vinegar and about 10 drops of Melaleuca or Lavender essential oils.
Want more non-toxic cleaning recipes?
Right now you can get DIY Non-toxic Cleaning Recipes for 25% off! This is an amazing ebook with tons of recipes for your Spring Cleaning needs. It rarely goes on sale!
Snag your on sale copy here with coupon code SPRING25.
For more healthy, homemade cleaners, check out Kristi’s Pinterest Homemade Cleaning & Household Products Board.
Get in touch with Kristi on Facebook, Twitter @VeggieConverter and Pinterest.
What’s your favorite use for vinegar?
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Meet Kristi
Kristi Arnold is a former newspaper reporter and editor who is now a gluten-free vegetarian mom married to Mr. Meaty, a “normal” omnivore. The culinary odd couple is parenting two kids, a pescatarian with a hot dog exception and a lactose-intolerant nightshade-sensitive meat-lover. Kristi loves writing and cooking recipes for easy, family-friendly organic meals, learning about nutrition and living the simple, green life. You can sign up for her newsletter at and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
I use vinegar for fleas. (I live in Africa) 🙂 Vinegar, water, and a nice smelly essential oil. Spray it on my dogs, sometimes twice a day. Works like a charm. Also,a bowl of vinegar left out around the house, chases away mosquitoes, ants and flies.
The flea remedy is so good, that on large game farms, they trick the game into areas where they have set up overhead sprays, against fleas and ticks.
I put citrus peels in a gallon jug of white vinegar to use as a rinse in my laundry. Cleans the soap residue out of the clothes adds light scent and with the dryer balls I don’t have static. I don’t use dryer sheets.
I use vinegar for pretty much every household cleaning job. It has so many more uses as well. It’s the wonder liquid!
I mix vinegar with olive oil and use it to clean my wood cupboards. It cleans beautifully, leaves a nice polish, and makes the whole kitchen smell like salad dressing! 🙂