Here are some great gift ideas for any time of the year for your favorite real foodie.
This is the real foodie bible. It not only contains great recipes but also a great introduction debunking mainstream health myths.
This is a very interesting scientific read about a little know fat soluble vitamin – Vitamin K. I think with further research people will see how important this vitamin is and why they don’t know everything yet about Vitamin D and Vitamin A:
It was this book that led me to start finding a source locally of Raw Milk for my family. I am so happy to have read it and we have been happily guzzling raw milk for over a year now. If you want to understand the history of milk production this is a great read:
Kitchen Tools
This rice cooker has a stainless steel bowl so you won’t get any nasty chemicals in your rice. The best part? Just a one button push to cook and when it is done, it turns to a warming mode so it is always ready when you need it.
I just sprang for this Vitamix and I am so excited to get it – it took me a year and now I am wondering what I was thinking!
Ice cream is probably one of the easiest things to make and it is so good plus nourishing. I make ice cream about once a week and this is my favorite tool:
I just started making kefir at home – highly recommend getting a 3 or 4-inch version of this plastic strainer if you make kefir because you aren’t supposed to use a metal strainer:
These jars are the absolute best for making all kinds of veggie ferments including pickles and sauerkraut. No fancy attachments to wash – this jar allows the CO2 to escape without a hiccup. Plus they are adorable in your kitchen:
I remember I got this cast iron pan as a wedding gift and I really didn’t use because I used my non-stick pans. Well–after understanding the chemicals in non-stick I started using the cast iron pan and we love it! Properly seasoned, a cast iron pan behaves much like a non-stick!
And I couldn’t have a cast iron pan (or my stainless steel rice cooker) without this nifty tool – bamboo pot scraper! Clean ups made easy:
Would you mind giving us the links to the “tools” you mentioned? It seems like this post wasnt complete. Thanks!
Click on the photos.
Thanks! But im not even seeing photos other than the title one and it doesnt link me to anything. Maybe it’s just my computer. Dont know.