So I was thinking of a way to do some major good this Spring. Like really good. Like helping the poor type of good. How much GOOD can you do in the world each and every day? I was at the most amazing conference this weekend (I go to be a better wife and mother) where an idea was spawned…an idea to something truly GOOD! I am calling it my ‘Spring Mitzvah Project’. What is a mitzvah? A mitzvah is an act of human kindness or good deed. Helping the poor is of course an amazing good deed right?!
I wanted a way that you could be in on it though. I absolutely love you and the support you have provided to me over the years. I mean we are learning together how to feed nourishing food to our families, manage our time better so we can be better mothers and spouses, and live a life free of toxic chemicals. You can’t put a price tag on the impact this has! So how can I give back? By serving you in a project that will have a ripple effect to orphans, poor children who need an education and a nourishing meal, kids living in slums and people whose homes have been destroyed.
Homemade Mommy Spring Mitzvah Project
So let’s get to it – what is this project and who will it help and how can you be a part of it?
What is it?
I am going to donate 100% of the income I earn from Young Living for any new members that get started with me during the months of March, April and May!!! This basically means that if you get started with me during these months, all of the bonuses* I earn from your enrollment and even from anyone else you get help to get started with essential oils (yes that will increase the giving impact – amazing right?!). I bet you didn’t know that you could earn an income from Young Living. And in this case, the income I earn from your individual purchases during your enrollment period or anyone’s purchases that you enroll during their enrollment period will go straight to help people in NEED. You can learn more about how sharing with Young Living works here – you might also be able to do something similar or use the money you earn as you choose!
Who will it help?
All proceeds will be donated to the Young Living Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization to serve the extreme poor in Ecuador, Croatia and Africa. Young Living covers all administrative costs of the foundation, so 100 percent of every single tax-deductible donation goes directly to our carefully selected projects and partnerships. Right now dollars donated are supporting the following projects:
1. Educate children.
The Young Living Academy serves children in Chongon, Ecuador. The school began with 83 students and now holds 297 children in grades K-12. I have personally visited this school and can tell you it is unbelievable what we are doing for these children! Imagine being taught in a one room schoolhouse with no bathroom and dirt floors and no food? Now imagine you now have an amazing building to learn in every day that provides you with the only meal you get all day? These kids are learning the skills they need to help change this community and sustain it for many generations to come!
2. Rebuild Nepal
It has been almost a year since earthquakes in Nepal claimed nearly 9,000 lives and destroyed more than 900,000 homes, tragically leaving millions without a roof over their heads. Many victims are struggling to survive as sub-zero temperatures and heavy rains render their makeshift shelters painfully inadequate.
The Young Living Foundation is right now looking for donations to set up a factory and teach the people how to manufacture interlocking blocks made from dirt and cement, similar to what we have done in Ecuador in the community where we have the school. We will teach the people how to build their homes! Once they have the homes, schools, and other buildings rebuilt, they will then be able to sell the blocks to help create an income for the villagers. This sustainable project will enable us to fund the building of hundreds of homes, schools, and clinics! Now that is a huge impact!
3. Take care of Orphans
Imagine an orphanage that feels like a family instead of just rows of beds! In 2014 the foundation partnered with the Maestral Orphanage in Split, Croatia. This orphanage provides support to children and young adults who have been removed from their families due to neglect, abuse, or other issues, it is currently the only orphanage of its kind in the area. Money donated funds new apartments for orphans to simulate the model of a family setting, with five children to one staff member per apartment.
4. Protect Children in Uganda from Parasites.
Imagine you had no shoes and that this mean you could get a painful parasite that causes infection, gangrene, paralysis, occasionally amputation, and even death. Ugandan children and adults are susceptible to illnesses caused by a parasite called jiggers, which typically enter the body through the feet. Thousands of Ugandan children live without adequate protective footwear and misconceptions about the cause of jiggers – they are literally thrown out of their communities because people think they have evil spirits.
The Young Living Foundation helps to fun Sole Hope who supports local communities by employing local shoemakers and training them in innovative shoemaking techniques for making durable, protective shoes for the community and employ medical personnel to remove jiggers from those affected. They also educate about how jiggers are caused so that children are not abandoned to this terrible parasite.
There are new projects supported by the Foundation all the time – these are just a few of the things that we do! Amazing stuff right here right?
How do I get started so I can help?
All the details on how you can get started are explained here but remember 100% of the income I earn during your enrollment period* will be donated to help the orphan and the poor and those affected by natural disasters during March, April and May!
Get started here now!
*How does the giving project work?
100% of what I earn from your purchases during your enrollment period will be donated to the Young Living Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. You can learn more about the Young Living Foundation and who we serve here. During your enrollment period I earn 2 bonuses and 100% of what these bonuses I earn will be donated to the YL Foundation:
- The Starter Kit Bonus – this is $25 for any YL Starter Kit
- The Fast Start Bonus – this is 25% of whatever you order in your first three months as a YL wholesale member and if you should ever enroll someone with the same starter kit you got from Young Living then it would be 10% of whatever they purchase during their first 3 months as a Young Living Wholesale member.