I have not been absolutely forthright with you and I am asking your forgiveness for that. I came across this JAW DROPPED quote yesterday and it made me realize I have been holding back on you. I do not suffer from the fear of success, however, I do suffer from the fear of the spotlight.
Here’s the quote that opened my eyes to something I battle with so much:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of G-d. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson
Speechless. Well I was speechless…but after a night of my mind racing about this, I realized that G-d was placing something important on my heart. I need to stop shrinking and come clean to you about my first year as an entrepreneur so that you might see the light of what is possible. Am I right in assuming that 99% of belief is seeing that *someone* did it? Seeing that the possible in the seemingly impossible?
I have been told this before but I guess because of my own personal demons I did not have an ear to hear and a heart to speak it yet. We need to celebrate the record breakers. And I thank all the record breakers before me that helped me KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that reaching my goal of a certain income to ensure I could keep this entrepreneur thing going and have this kind of freedom. Thank you for showing me your truth.
Alright so here goes…my first year with Young Living was pretty astounding in terms of results. I have now been officially sharing Young Living Essential Oils for over 3 years. It all started in October of 2013 and within 9 months from that date I had hit Diamond with the company. I am not going to detail the entire 3 years, just the first so you can see the path to Diamond I took. May this inspire you to believe in your own abilities to be the light to others.
I have absolutely loved this journey more than anything else I have done in my life. My identify is not in this income or rank, it is to inspire you to get there and experience what we have. Because not only are these oils truly legit, this opportunity is as well. Since my own first year of success, I have witnessed many on my team and all across Young Living attain the same success.
October 2013
I started with Young Living in July of 2013 but I truly did not know what I had at my fingertips. I got my kit (which at the time I paid $150 for 11 oils) and it was not until mid October that I decided to start learning along with you my readers and start a Facebook community. Within minutes I had many get say they wanted to get the oils too and they signed up right behind me with my member number. I still wasn’t sure that this whole oils ‘business’ was for me, nor did I see a huge potential. As a blogger I market many things and usually just share what is new and exciting for me and these oils clearly were a current fascination because they were helping us live a non-toxic lifestyle and I was having so much fun making everything from deodorant to toothpaste to chest rubs! As far as the network marketing thing, I really had no clue what that was about. My goal was just to help as many people as possible learn how to make their own deodorant so they wouldn’t have to buy a toxic one. Here’s what October looked like for me:
Total People that signed up with me to try the oils: 8 with a Premium Starter Kit, 5 with a Basic Kit, 17 Retail Customers
Total number of people “under me”: 58 (some people that signed up under me signed up some people)
Check total for October 2013: $883.56
What did I do to get these new members? I just posted a couple of pictures of my oils in my Facebook community so that my friends and readers who joined he group could see what I was making with them and to share what I thought about them.
Rank: Senior Star
According to the 2016 Income Disclosure, the average income of a Senior Star in a given month is $255 but can be as high as $7089. To achieve the Senior Star rank you must have an overall group volume (OGV) of 2,000. This could come from your own purchases (in that case you wouldn’t actually be earning any money) or from the collective purchases of those people ‘under you’. But this isn’t the first income rank you can achieve with Young Living. That would be the Star rank. You can achieve the Star rank with an overall group volume of 500 (again coming from just you or a a few people ‘under you’). So you can see I hit Star and Senior Star in the same month.
November 2013
At this point I was having the best time in my new Facebook community group getting to actually personally know many of my previously anonymous readers. I was also able to get my oils paid for plus some more! There was no question of my continuing and at this point I was starting to see an opportunity developing. I was still fully employed at IBM but had already gotten approval to take a leave of absence to be with my daughter in 2014. I held an executive position earning a 6 figure income and was not sure how we would get by for a year on my blog income (which was minimal) but I was due for a sabbatical and my husband and I felt we could make it work somehow. I wondered if this may be a way to ensure we could maybe survive the year on more than just beans and rice!
By this time, my friend, Jen, who is a good friend of mine from my childhood and whose sister enrolled me, was sharing how the income thing could work with Young Living. It’s a numbers game and she helped me to figure it out. The awesome thing about that? I didn’t have to sit and watch the boring compensation video 1000 times to understand it. What she did do was show me what was possible by actually telling me what she was earning. So in that moment I set a goal to be earning that same amount by the end of 2014. I just continued doing what I was doing (which was having a whole lot of fun posting pictures in my Facebook group (nothing fancy) and I figured out the nuances to the pay structure through Young Living by looking at my own numbers coming in. I started directing my friends that thought they might be interested in working the business to the same information in a new business Facebook group I started. Here’s what November looked like:
Total People that signed up with me to try the oils: 12 with a Premium Starter Kit and some others with a basic kit and many retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me” (this includes the previous month as well, it just keeps building): 151
Check total for November: $2,200.03
Clearly in November, I laid a foundation for the months and years to come. I decided 100% I was going to do this thing and I was now also blogging about the oils. My Facebook communities were thriving (maybe over 1000 members) and very active and I was having a blast. Obviously, they didn’t all sign up in November, though! Which was fine. I didn’t pester people I just continued to share what I was doing day to day with my oils. I also had never attended a class in person so I did not teach any either.
Rank: Executive
According to the 2016 Income Disclosure, the average income of an Executive in a given month is $463. To achieve the Executive rank you must have an overall group volume (OGV) of 4,000 with some of this coming from 2 ‘legs’ at 1000 OGV each. So this is when your team starts to develop. You cannot reach Executive rank without some volume coming from others (it can’t just be a 4000 purchase from you!). This is truly the first leadership rank for this reason with Young Living and is an important milestone!
December 2013
December was my last month at my Corporate job so I was looking ahead to 2014 and was now 100% prepared to make money doing this full time. A lot of it. The more the better so that I could find the freedom to not return after my leave of absence from the company. There was no question in my mind now that this was impossible. I set my mind to it and it simply was going to happen. What did I do differently? Not much of anything. I kept sharing what I was doing with my oils on my blog and on Facebook and what I thought the oils could do for others. I kept it real just like my blog brand.
Total People that signed up with me to try the oils: 9 with a Premium Starter kit and others with a Basic Kit and quite a few retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me” (this includes the previous months as well, it just keeps building): 300
Check total for December: $2,436.91
Rank: Executive
January 2014
Month #4 for me and my first month focused on my business full time and away from my Corporate job. This was a time for me to hit my entrepreneurial stride! And it showed. I was able to double my income and hit the Silver rank with Young Living. This was huge. I hadn’t quite met my 6 figure salary yet but I knew with continued diligence and excellence at what I was doing…that would come.
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 32 enrolled with a premium starter kit, a few basic kit enrollees and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me” (this includes the previous months as well, it just keeps building): 505
Check total for January: $4,883.03
Rank: Silver
According to the 2016 Income Disclosure, the average income of a Silver in a given month is $2221. To achieve the Silver rank you must have an overall group volume (OGV) of 10,000 with some of this coming from 2 ‘legs’ at 4000 OGV each and some coming from outside those two legs. My organization was making huge strides and I was not the only one driving the momentum. Reaching Silver at the time earned me an Aroma Complete kit (via the old Si6 incentive)! I was so excited because I LOVED my oils and having all of them was such an achievement.
February 2014
February was my 5th month and I was just getting started. This was a huge month of growth at 130%! Our team also became a Gold team. What was I doing differently? I was still sharing what I was doing but I added something new. I started having 20 min chats with my members who wanted to chat with me. I started developing relationships. You see most people who signed up with me were my readers. I did not live in the same city as they did much less the same state or even country in some cases. So I opened up my door and got to know those who took advantage of the time. It was amazing to get to know those who had been following my blog for many years. It allowed me to share with them what I was doing and help them to see the business opportunity too.
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 32 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me” (this includes the previous months as well, it just keeps building): 744
Check total for February: $9,374.84
Rank: Gold
According to the 2016 Income Disclosure, the average income of a Gold in a given month is $6042. To achieve the Gold rank you must have an overall group volume (OGV) of 35,000 with some of this coming from 3 ‘legs’ at 6000 OGV each and some coming from outside those three legs. Reaching Gold one month after achieving Silver was huge and I also was having people under me rank up to Silver! Seeing others achieve that success was actually better than achieving my own.
March 2014
We were now in Month #6. This is the month I hit my goal income for the END OF 2014! I was completely shocked that it came so quickly. Consistency of message, focus and excitement are what made this happen. It was at this point that others were really starting to share in earnest across the board. I was getting a lot of business related questions. I spent time developing relationships and helping others learn how to share with their friends and family and on online. I had not yet taught my own classes but my fabulous upline did. So I ensured everyone knew how she did it! Growth was huge at 123%!
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 39 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me” (this includes the previous months as well, it just keeps building): 1453
Check total for March: $15,153.95
Rank: Gold
April 2014
This is the month I hit Platinum! I was completely floored. I can’t say anything more than that the team was having a BLAST. We had this amazing online community. Most of us did not live anywhere near each other and that did not matter one bit. We definitely shared a vision to make DIY non toxic products and home remedies easy.
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 32 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total number of people “under me”: 2149
Check total for April: $20,101.28
Rank: Platinum
According to the 2016 Income Disclosure, the average income of a Platinum in a given month is $14710. To achieve the Platinum rank you must have an overall group volume (OGV) of 100,000 with most of the volume coming from 4 ‘legs’ at 8000 OGV each and some coming from outside those four legs. Reaching Platinum two months after achieving Gold was huge and I also was having people under me rank up to Silver and Gold! Seeing others achieve that success was still better than achieving my own and it became my mission to help as many hit new ranks as I possibly could.
May 2014
This month I did something completely new and it was a huge success! I taught my first 101 class ever and I did it online in front of like 4000 people via Livestream. This class really supercharged the team and everyone was sharing it like crazy. I was able to show everyone how simple teaching a class was to do even though I was so nervous myself! I read from a script which I got from my upline and I just shared my heart. I will never forget that class! I was super excited at how everyone was growing and how much our community was thriving. Success stories were everywhere. Many of my leaders had now started their own Facebook communities too.
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 28 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me”): 2905
Check total for May: $22,771.74
Rank: Platinum
June 2014
June is now Month #9 since I started sharing. This was YL Convention month and it was so fantastic to meet my team FINALLY in person. It was even more fantastic because this is the month I hit Diamond. I know right? This was a company record at the time. Many have now since matched it so I am nothing unusual. It is possible to crush Diamond within a year for sure!
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 21 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me”: 3945
Check total for June: $25,862.19
Rank: Diamond
According to the 2016 Income Disclosure, the average income of a Diamond in a given month is $38750. To achieve the Diamond rank you must have an overall group volume (OGV) of 250,000 with most of the volume coming from 5 ‘legs’ at 15,000 OGV each and some coming from outside those five legs. Reaching Diamond two months after achieving Platinum was mind-blowing and I also was having people under me rank up to Silver and Gold and a brand new Platinum too! Hitting Diamond is like a whole other level of leadership in the company with additional perks like the Diamond trip and exclusive Diamond shares.
July 2014
Ahhhh…July. This was a push month where I relaxed and enjoyed my summer with my family and basked in achieving Diamond. And guess what? I still earned residual income. Boom! It was at this point I knew this was a forever career for me and I was just so thrilled. But I wasn’t done yet, I was just getting started.
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 13 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me”: 5040
Check total for July: $25,751.16
Rank: Diamond
August 2014
August was a month to reflect and start in earnest on personal development. I needed to do some growing here into leadership and to help my team grow too! My main focus was still enrolling new members because my goal never changed. I wanted as many people as possible to be empowered to make their own nontoxic products and natural remedies as simply as possible!
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 13 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me”: 6324
Check total for August: $28,226.92
Rank: Diamond
September 2014
Wow. September marked a year since I started sharing and it was a huge month. This newbie Diamond team is now unstoppable and I feel truly blessed to be on this journey with them. You know when something huge has happened but you can’t understand it? Yeah that is the feeling I had at this point. I mean what in the world?! This is a team that truly cares about these oils and sharing them with everyone because they truly work and change people’s health for the better. The fact that they have enabled me and so many on the team to pay off debt, stay home with their kids and give like never before is just a bonus.
Total People that signed up to try the oils: 24 enrolled with a Premium Starter Kit, a few with basic kits and a number of retail customers.
Total People that were signed “under me”: 7916
Check total for September: $35,323.96
Rank: Diamond
Here’s YL’s income disclosure statement again so you can see the average incomes all in one place. It’s required to share in here if I’m going to be REAL with you about my numbers. Are my results typical? Likely not. But they are mind. And just think…even if you failed my results by 90% you would still be earning $3500 PER MONTH by the end of your first year and be well on your way to achieving more in years to come! That’s truly all success really is: a series of failures on a path of NOT GIVING UP.
It is now December of 2016 and I have been a Royal Crown Diamond for over a year. I hit the highest rank in Young Living in just two years. More on that journey here. Want to know my typical schedule and what I focus on day to day? Check out my schedule here.