The following is a contributor post from Kristi of Veggie Converter.
My daughter and I have conflicting allergies. I’m gluten and sugar intolerant, while she’s dairy and nightshade intolerant. For those of you in the same boat, finding foods free of the eight most common food allergens is important for your health AND your sanity.
Snack time is an important time for children and you can either rock it out with homemade goodness or completely fail with unhealthy convenience foods. It can be especially difficult to craft healthy snacks for your children if they suffer from food allergies or intolerances. Try these seven snacks for kids that are free of the eight most common food allergens: milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish and shellfish.
7 Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids
1. Grape Caterpillars
You’ll need wooden skewers, toothpicks, and red and green grapes. Thread the wooden skewer with green grapes for the body and one red grape for the caterpillar’s head. Break a toothpick in half to make antennae on top of the caterpillar’s head. To get extra fancy, get a food pen to draw a face on your caterpillars. Or add candy eyeballs.
2. Cucumber Cups
Slice a cucumber in 2-inch sections and use a melon baller to remove the flesh in the center, but leave a layer of flesh at the bottom. The cute little cucumber cups can be used to hold your child’s favorite dip, like hummus or salsa. It turns dip into a chip-free bite-sized snack.
3. Gummies
Gelatin and kombucha fruit snacks are an incredibly healthy and allergen-free snack for kids.
4. Avocado
Simply slice an avocado in half lengthwise, remove the pit, and score the avocado flesh into cubes. Serve with a spoon. You can add a bit of lemon juice and salt if you like, but my girls love them plain. This is a great healthy fat for your kids to eat, especially for children who are dairy intolerant and can’t eat as many other healthy fats.
5. Roasted Vegetables
Roasting brings out the natural sugars in vegetables, making veggies even more palatable for kids. My girls call these caramelized brussels sprouts “candy cabbages.”
6. Popcorn Chicken Nuggets
This simple popcorn chicken recipe is a huge hit with every kid, and it’s free of allergens since you can make the coconut milk and coconut flour. It’s an excellent protein-packed after-school snack, and a great kid-friendly dinner.
7. Guacamole
Avocado with spices, a bit of onion, tomatoes and peppers is a great snack for kids with allergies. Raw vegetable sticks or gluten-free tortilla chips work great for dipping. We love this loaded guacamole, but since our daughter is nightshade intolerant we often swap the tomatoes and peppers for mango cubes.
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Thanks, I need to copy this! But have to make sure my grapes are organic.
You’re most welcome! And definitely, since they’re Dirty Dozen. 🙂
I had to laugh that ironically, the very first suggestion is a food allergy in our house – yes, we have an allergy to red grapes. It is not a life threatening allergy, but a yucky, unusual allergy that makes your tongue peel (although not so much painful as annoying) and makes everything tasteless/taste terrible for about a week. Green grapes alone would work though.
Thanks for the suggestions!