This ebook is part of a Special Fall Sale ($2000 worth of content for only $39) from now through Nov 8th. Click here to find out more.
Have you been hearing all about how great eating fermented foods is but still not quite sure what they are or how to make them?
Well, guess what? It’s never too late to learn.
And I’ve got just the thing to help you make it happen — right now!
Culture Your Life, Kefir and Kombucha for Everyday Nourishment: The eBook
Culture Your Life covers it all including how to make water kefir, dairy kefir and kombucha and how to flavor them. However, fermented foods can be used not only for consumption/drinks, but also for amazing cosmetic uses from shampoo to everyday household cleaners!
Culture Your Life, Kefir and Kombucha for Everyday Nourishment will teach you how to make:
- Kefir Hand Sanitizer
- Coconut Water Kefir Rinse (Shampoo!)
- Green Kefir Smoothie
- Cinnamon SCOBY snacks (crackers make from Kombucha SCOBYs!)
- Kombucha Fruit and Veggie Wash
I never knew you could use kefir to make cosmetics, did you?:
Do you like green smoothies? This eBook will show you how to add beneficial probiotics to yours:
Learn how to make SCOBY snacks from kombucha making:
So cool! You can make a fruit and veggie wash with kombucha!:
I’ll be honest… I’ve always been too scared to try to make kombucha at home and I buy it locally. I’ve always been intimidated by the scoby. But Loula Natural makes it seem so easy and fun and she provides a lot of troubleshooting support, so I’m ready to give it a go.
Why You Need to Culture Your Life
Did you know that we are outnumbered by bacteria to human cells at 9:1 sometimes within our body? The proliferation of lactobacilli in fermented foods enhances their digestibility and increases vitamin levels and helps to feed the good bacteria in our bodies. Numerous helpful enzymes are produced, as well as antibiotic and anticarcenogenic substances. These bacteria promote the growth of healthy bacteria or flora throughout our intestines. Without these enzymes and bacteria we are basically eating ‘dead food.’
Now you can make your own!
Culture Your Life Makes It Easy to Make Cultured Foods
Did you know that you can:
- Make clothes detergent with kombucha?
- Make toilet cleaner with kombucha?
- Make soda bread with kefir?
- Soothe a rash with kefir?
I don’t know about you, but this stuff excites me.
Hands sanitized with kefir? Veggies washed with kombucha?
And all with amazing cultured foods?
I’m in!
Who is Louise Buckley at Loula Natural?
Louise Buckley is the author of the Loula Natural blog. If you don’t read it, you should. She’s awesome.
[…] Culture Your Life by Louise Kane Buckley of Loula Natural – NEW! (read my review) […]