In October 2013, I made a choice. A choice to share Young Living essential oils with you. I didn’t yet understand what a blessing this would become for me or what a blessing I could and would become to others. A couple of days ago, I hit the highest rank one can achieve with Young Living: Royal Crown Diamond. I am humbled beyond belief.
That is what this post is about: the innate ability for anyone to achieve record breaking success. Keep reading if you want to understand this formula because it’s the oldest formula around.
Rewind: You don’t start where you finish
In 2009, 3 weeks before my daughter was born, I started Homemade Mommy for no other reason than to have a place to organize my own recipes for myself and for my mother, who kept asking for them. I also wanted to keep a daily journal of what I was eating and how my health was changing (for the better). I suppose I needed a place to just be myself because I did not have much support at all when I embarked on my real food journey. I wanted to find like-minded mothers who also cared about what they fed themselves and their families. And find them I did.
My blog was nothing fancy, I certainly didn’t know how to take any pictures nor format HTML. I didn’t worry about these things in the beginning but I did learn how to make my site more professional over time. Through trial and error and a lot of mistakes, I was able to grow Homemade Mommy to over 300,000 unique visitors per month. A community had developed for sure yet here I was with a lot of like-minded people that I didn’t know.
When I made the choice to join Young Living, I did so to get a few essential oils to experiment with in my homemade beauty recipes. I was not looking for a business and frankly had a negative impression of MLM companies. I am not sure why – probably just because I didn’t know anyone who was with a network marketing company and all I had heard was “they don’t work”. I decided to ignore the chatter and stay true to form because my blog is my outlet. I loved my oils and my blog was my place to share with my readers about all the things that I love and that I am making.
I created a fun Facebook group and it was at this time that my relationship with my readers started to become personal. When someone joined Young Living with me, they now had a face and a name. I could now pinpoint who those readers were. I could reach out and talk to them. I got to learn what the members of our community care about: their faith, families, finances, health, purpose in life, and their free time.
Personal development: You can’t help others until you help yourself
I quickly realized I cared about the same things my readers did, but unfortunately, many things in my life were out of harmony. I thought I had to work long hours and make huge sacrifices in my family life to be successful. Thankfully, through this process of growing with Young Living, I learned some amazing life lessons that I am for sure I would not have learned elsewhere. You see many of us live life by default. We default to stress and being ‘busy’ instead of focusing on what is important to us. We do this because frankly we don’t have a vision for what we want from life. We are too busy to have a vision.
I learned this type of work ‘ethic’ in the corporate world and decided that this must change. I must change. I made a choice to no longer live life by default. My vision is to live a life rooted in my Judaism and G-d and that I wanted to have a fun and close relationship with my husband, daughter and with my community. With this vision in mind, my priorities shifted back into balance: I am now focused on putting G-d first, my husband second, my daughter third, and then I focus on work and then other activities. I took a leap of faith and cut my hours back from 80-100 hours per week to just 20 hours per week on my work and I left the rest up to G-d. And you know what happened? I grew even faster and my relationships with my husband and daughter are flourishing. I truly have brought Shalom back to my home. You see when you focus on growing yourself personally, you can help even more people.
Be blessed or be a blessing? The secret formula…
As I grew, so did my income. You can check out the Young Living income disclosure here and can see that we are experiencing great abundance. But does success always mean a lot of money? How do you perceive success? We have been taught that success means a lot of money but after having a lot of it, I have learned two things:
- having a lot of money does not mean you have great wealth or joy
- that money ultimately isn’t ours. It comes as a blessing from G-d and it is our responsibility to use to be a blessing to others.
Some would argue that network marketing is a pyramid scheme and that only the person at the top is blessed with plenty. However, the people at the top of any business have a responsibility to give back and to help others grow. Growth isn’t about how much we can be blessed with money/success, it is about how we can be a blessing to others. When we are called to give charity (tzedakah/mitzvot) in the Old Testament (Torah), our first and foremost responsibility is to help those closest to us. As it is written: ‘Between relations and poor strangers, relatives come first’. Additionally, how we give is designed to protect the dignity of the recipient. The highest rung on the tzedakah ladder is to offer someone a job or make a loan available to him so that he might start his own business. So sharing the business opportunity members have with Young Living is something I do not take lightly – it is my responsibility to help others see the opportunity that is right under their nose.
Helping others to achieve success is to truly serve others above ourselves. One cannot achieve the highest level of success in any business without understanding these principles. Duplication, my oily friends, is to serve G-d in the highest manner. Because ultimately all the glory goes to G-d. From the prophet Jeremiah:
Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the rich man glory in his wealth, but he who wishes to glory, let him glory in this…That he understands and knows Me, for I am the L-rd who exercises loving-kindness, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for it is in these things that I delight, saith the L-rd.
So I thank G-d for this opportunity for without G-d I would not have the ability to be blessed or be a blessing to others.
What does this mean for you?
The Young Living opportunity can provide you the resources to address your priorities and needs in life. How quickly you grow is dependent on your desire to be blessed or to be a blessing. It is with great humility that I achieved the Royal Crown Diamond rank but my identity is not tied to any rank. I am just here to serve you with joy and commitment, should you decide to take the plunge.
Comment below if you have achieved some level of success with Young Living and what you are grateful for from this amazing company!
“The highest rung on the tzedakah ladder is to offer someone a job or make a loan available to him so that he might start his own business.” Lindsey, you did this for me two years ago. I forever grateful for the opportunity. Not only did I achieve the rank of Platinum this month, which to me means that I help a lot of people create wellness, purpose, and abundance, but I am also bringing Shalom to my home! I cannot wait to see what we create in the next two years! Thank you friend!
Love you Kimberly! I truly cannot fathom what we can achieve together! The sky is the limit!
That is absolutely beautiful! What a lovely tribute!
Congratulations, pretty lady!! What a lovely and inspiring post- thank you for sharing!! I just achieved STAR, and am excited to see where it goes from there! <3
Congratulations Lindsey! I have watched you on periscope quite a few times. My husband and I have been with Young Living for 2 years now. We have reached the level of Executive and reaching toward the future. What do I love about Young Living…everything. They have awesome products, great compensation and amazing people.
This is amazing!!! I’m so close to SILVER I can taste it! It is such a blessing and I want to show my girls what TRUE freedom in so many areas looks like! Thank you for this!
Hello, what a wonderful testimony of how God works in our lives. I am a new distributed and new to EO. I an trying to learn about the use of Young Living essential oils and how I can pass this knowledge on to help others. Congratulations on your success. Judy
i’m not Jewish so I did not understand any of this. I follow your blog and FB even though we are in different lines. I love what you do. Congratulations on your Victory. I hope to be along side you some day.
Congrats to you! How exciting.
Congratulations Lindsey! I just got off my Sunday night call with my Diamond, Vanessa, all about giving and sharing and abundance, much of what you just said. You guys have a way of touching my heart and making me tear up. I thank God for my incredible upline and your commitment to all of us. Again, congratulations!
I forgot to mention my rank. I am a star but working my way up. I am so grateful for a company whose beliefs are strong in family and wellness. I’m excited to share this amazing product with others along my journey. Congrats again!
I am a newbie, but I know that in my heart I can share and make a difference for others. It’s not easy getting started, but when I am able to read about how others have grown and are changing lives it’s inspiring me to keep one going. Struggling financially and putting yourself out there is a tough decision, but it’s one I have to make so that I can help others.
Blessings to you and congrats!
First of all AMAZING congratulations to you!!! You have been such an inspiration to those of us NOT EVEN in your team!!! You have given so much to all of Team Young Living! Thank you for that! My husband Jacob and I are Silvers and our goal is to help our team achieve whatever rank they aspire to. Thank you for shining a light! <3
Congrats on your achievement! I am wondering why you are not spelling out God or Lord??? I know Gary and Mary are very open about their faith. Just curious! I love what you wrote.. its true.. Its all for God!
In the Jewish faith we don’t write the name…here is an explanation:
Congratulations and thank you. You are an inspiration. I’m just starting my oily journey and building my business. I know I have so much to learn but having leaders like you that model Godly boundaries is so refreshing and already a blessing to me. Thank you!
Congratulations!!! It is always so awesome to see people with such precious hearts succeed and then point toward God. Platinum is my highest rank with Young Living, and yes, most of my family does think it’s a pyramid scheme. But to be totally honest, it’s impossible to grow this business without building strong relationships with your downline, and it would bless and fill my heart beyond measure to see any of them pass my rank! This journey has been filled with so much more than what is tangible. The blessed/blessing cycle is so true. Thank you for your words of encouragement and for your example of giving back! Blessings, Stacey
What a beautiful heartfelt post and what an inspiration you are to those who chose to follow. You are an amazing person who keeps growing and discovering throughout your life. What a great role model you are for Ella. What a great partner you are and have in Evan. You bring great joy to your family including your mom and dad! Love the photo of Ella! Thanks for sharing your story with so many. xo
Your story is inspiring and really spoke to me. I am still very comfortable with the goals that I set five weeks ago. I am at the very beginning of achieving them. I am sharing and have helped many people find support for their various body systems. Supporting my family financially comes next and returning everything that our small Jewish community has given to us, is at the top of the list. I made that promise years ago. I do firmly believe there is a plan and a reason for everything. Thank you for sharing your story. My story is evolving.
Congratulations from a cross line Silver. Do you feel it’s still possible to reach the rank of RCD w/o a large social media platform or audience from a blog?
Yes since every other RCD has done it before me.
I’m just so thrilled for you!! Love your smart mind and your heart for giving/sharing.
I felt when we met you on the YL cruise you were just moments away from RCD! Congratulations, Lindsey, y’all SO deserve this! You’ve worked hard, and helped a lot of people walk towards health and abundance! Blessings to you, Evan and your sweet daughter, and all of your co-workers! So excited for you!
I just found your website. About 5 years ago, I was looking thru books at a bookstore. I read a story about Three Thieves Oil. Later that day I thought I would get that book next time I was there. I searched and searched, but could not find, but now I know where to go. G d bless you!
We are SOO happy for you! It’s such an amazing business – as success only flows to those willing to help others succeed. Incredible! Our family reached the rank of Diamond in Young Living on October 31st and we couldn’t be more humbled or happier. Onward in Wellness, Purpose & Abundance!