Confession: When I was a little girl, the most uttered phrase out of my mouth was: "I can do it myself!" or sometimes simply: "MYSELF!". I was the most determined little child and I had to do it all myself! I truly wanted to learn to do everything myself. Always fighting to ... Continue Reading
Lindsey Gremont
What do you do when you are stuck?
What do you do when you can't turn back? This week we experience our redemption and yet it isn't quite as we would have imagined it. Freedom can sometimes feel that way. This past weekend I was in Orlando with 100 people from my team learning all about freedom. I know we were all ... Continue Reading
The HARD path to your purpose
Find your passion and you will never work a day in your life...or so they say. But how can you best find your purpose? It seems every time we find what we think it is, others seek to downplay our efforts and tell us that dream is too risky or that we are crazy. Can you ... Continue Reading
[VIDEO TUTORIAL] Instant Pot Lemon Cheesecake
Yesterday one of my favorite reader turned friend posted on my Facebook wall that I needed to do more videos of my Instant Pot recipes so here we go with a Lemon Cheesecake recipe! Check out the Video Tutorial here for this EASY Lemon Cheesecake recipe in the Instant ... Continue Reading
Do you have a good eye?
When you encounter someone who complains or says something unkind to you or about someone else, what do you believe is underneath that curse? I asked this to a few folks in a group I run and many answered this way: Fear and insecurity. I used to be this person. And I wondered why ... Continue Reading
WATCH: My Royal Crown Diamond Weekly Schedule
What's MY schedule per week? How many hours do you have to put in to your business? Whether you have a full time job, homeschool, have 5 kids under the age of 5 or you are single and have tons of time on your hands - I lay out a schedule of time blocking EVERYONE in here should ... Continue Reading