I decided to try something new this week - as I always do (my husband gets so mad at me - why can't I stick with the old standbys??). I had three cabbages saved up from the past two weeks of CSA boxes and I had a lot of carrots and kohlrabi and green onions...I needed a new ... Continue Reading
Lindsey Gremont
Coconut cake with Maple Buttercream Frosting
I wanted to make a dessert for my book club tonight and I really wanted to make my favorite almond cake. I realized it isn't grain free and it has refined sugar so I started looking for almond cake recipes online that were grain and refined sugar free. I found one that looked ... Continue Reading
A cardiologist speaks on Saturated Fat
Great post today from Kelly the Kitchen Kop which includes a video from a cardiologist speaking at a conference to other doctors on the myth of saturated fat. I urge you to watch the video and give it some thought. Some great quotes: “100 years ago less than 1 in 100 Americans ... Continue Reading
Weekly Meal Plan 12/28/11
I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend - now for one more! Here is what I am making this week: 1) Ketchup (see this post): I finally made the ketchup and it turned out great - just waiting for it to ferment and then the true tasters will have to tell me if they approve - ... Continue Reading
2012 Goal: Remain Refined Sugar Free
Why you ask? Surely some sugar in moderation is ok - right? I have come to realize that this just isn't true because 'moderation' today means every day. Sugar is in everything - and I am talking about plain white refined table sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup - to me they are ... Continue Reading
Sweet Potato Popovers – Grain Free
I tried this recipe Sunday from the Eat Nourishing blog and it really was a gem. Definitely recommend - we ate the whole dozen in one sitting and guess what - not overly filling - just delicious! It is made with arrowroot powder (you can buy this at Whole Foods) oddly enough - ... Continue Reading