I haven't used our microwave in over a year. Contrary to where you think I am heading, I actually stopped using our microwave due to reasons unrelated to health. I really hadn't given that much thought to methods of re-heating my food until I started cooking and eating more real ... Continue Reading
Lindsey Gremont
UPDATE on DIY Organic Beauty
I don't usually get so excited about an e-book but this one takes the cake. I finally got all of the ingredients to make some of my top picks from the DIY Organic Beauty e-book and I can CONFIRM that they are as awesome as the pictures and they were surprisingly easy and ... Continue Reading
Strawberry Date Ice Cream
I had my three year old home from preschool for the winter break and a few days ago she decided she wanted to make ice cream. So I asked her what flavor and she said 'Strawberry Date'! So we concocted this recipe together and you know what? It turned out fabulous and it didn't ... Continue Reading
Taco Night
Eureka! I have found a dinner my whole family loves that includes all of the wonderful real foodie foods I want us to be eating! The dinner is so simple to pull together because most of it can be made ahead of time. This meal is as nutrient dense as you can get because it has so ... Continue Reading
Surprising Healthy Foods Are Making You Fat, Q&A with Lyn-Genet Recitas The Plan
Lyn-Genet has helped thousands of clients with long term positive changes in their health, weight and vitality. One of those clients was me – over 3 years ago. Her focus is on creating internal harmony using the precepts of The Lyn-Genet Plan, an anti-inflammatory diet. The Plan ... Continue Reading
Things I loved in December
2012 is almost over and I truly can't believe how far the blog has come in such a short time. Thank you for all of your support. I hope you have an amazing 2013 full of healing and gratitude. I love teaching everyone about the benefits of real food! Here are some ... Continue Reading