We love all types of Mexican food and enchiladas are close to the top of my list of foods that remind me of my hometown, El Paso, TX. The only thing that might rank higher would be chile rellenos (stuffed chiles) and I hope to post that recipe in a future post. This ... Continue Reading
Lindsey Gremont
What we ate today – 09/11/12
This post is part of Homemade Mommy’s ‘what we ate today’ series. I post what both I ate and what I fed my 3 year old daughter to give this community ideas on how to eat real food and that it is possible to feed a child REAL food. Meal / Snack Homemade ... Continue Reading
What we ate today – 09/10/12
This post is part of Homemade Mommy's 'what we ate today' series. I post what both I ate and what I fed my 3 year old daughter to give this community ideas on how to eat real food and that it is possible to feed a child REAL food. Back to school Monday after a very fun ... Continue Reading
Why I am a ‘real foodie’ – The Recipe Makeover Challenge
This is a follow up post to my last one - Is Cooking Supposed to be Fun? I think to net it out here - no, cooking isn't always fun when you have to do it every day - but eating most definitely should be fun! Over the the past few years I have had so many health issues that I ... Continue Reading
What we ate today – 09/08/12
This post is part of Homemade Mommy's 'what we ate today' series. I post what both I ate and what I fed my 3 year old daughter to give this community ideas on how to eat real food and that it is possible to feed a child REAL food. Heading to the football game tonight and went ... Continue Reading
What we ate today – 09/07/12
This post is part of HomemadeMommy's 'what we ate today' series. I post what both I ate and what I fed my 3 year old daughter to give this community ideas on how to eat real food and that it is possible to feed a child REAL food. Breakfast: The Kiddo: goat yogurt, ... Continue Reading