Sometimes I have to remind myself that many of you are visiting my blog for the first time and are completely new to the world of 'real food.' However, you likely came here or my Facebook page because of one goal: to rid your home of processed food. Easier said than done, ... Continue Reading
Book Review
How to Prevent Morning Sickness and a Giveaway!
I always laugh at the term 'morning sickness'. I remember being so happy when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (who is now 4). Less than one week later, I was out to dinner with some friends sitting down to eat when this wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. It ... Continue Reading
The Missing Nutrient – Vitamin K2
The Missing Nutrient Do you remember what launched you into the world of real food? Was it reading Michael Pollan's book, The Omnivore's Dilemma or watching Food, Inc and learning where your food really came from? Was it getting your hands on a copy of Nourishing Traditions? ... Continue Reading
Flourless Brownies
Not sure about gluten free flours then you must try this Flourless Brownie recipe! As you know, I try to eat mostly grain free when it comes to desserts. We also do not use any refined sugars and stick to mostly raw honey and maple syrup in our treats. I have tried a few ... Continue Reading
Surprising Healthy Foods Are Making You Fat, Q&A with Lyn-Genet Recitas The Plan
Lyn-Genet has helped thousands of clients with long term positive changes in their health, weight and vitality. One of those clients was me – over 3 years ago. Her focus is on creating internal harmony using the precepts of The Lyn-Genet Plan, an anti-inflammatory diet. The Plan ... Continue Reading
Confessions of a former Big Food Executive Bruce Bradley
A Former Food Industry Insider Dishes on Big Food Profits After working as a processed food marketer for over 15 years Bruce Bradley has had enough of Big Food companies, and he's taking a stand for real food. At his website he shares the tricks, traps, and ... Continue Reading