Looking for some easy homemade Mother's Day gift ideas for your natural mama? Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I know a lot of you are looking for ideas on how to treat the mamas in your life. You want to give them a bit of pampering, a bit of love. It's ... Continue Reading
Essential Oils
Calming Roll-on Using Essential Oils for Kids
Earlier this week I posted a recipe for an calming roll-on using essential oils and I promised to post my version that I use on my 5 year old. I love that there are essential oils for all types of feelings and I find that when my daughter gets frustrated it is for very different ... Continue Reading
Calming Roll-on Using Essential Oils
A question I receive quite often is: what essential oils can I use for agitation and feeling anxious? I have been testing some calming recipes using essential oils on myself and some friends and family with some relaxing results! Essential Oils and Relieving a Feeling of Being ... Continue Reading
Homemade Daily Facial Moisturizer + SPF
I remember always wearing a facial moisturizer with SPF 15 when I used to buy my products at the drug store. I wore the same one for years. When I decided to ditch toxic beauty products it was the first to go. I really hadn't thought about a replacement until recently when I read ... Continue Reading
Homemade Foaming Face Wash for Radiant Skin
This is the likely the best smelling homemade foaming face wash around! But the best part is that it is also amazing for your skin - you will truly glow! This foaming face wash contains what your skin needs to look radiant and firm while also keeping your skin balanced. Homemade ... Continue Reading
10 Uses For Valor Essential Oil
Valor essential oil is quite an interesting essential oil blend. It combined some truly remarkable oils of Spruce Rosewood, Blue Tansy and Frankincense essential oils to basically provide liquid courage and balance to those who use it. Valor is my absolute ... Continue Reading