As you all know I have cut out most grains (I still eat some corn and rice) and refined sugars and I explained this was to heal my tummy (or gut) and my lungs (asthma). I have also started taking supplements of probiotics and cod liver oil (vitamin A and D) to build up my immune ... Continue Reading
A cardiologist speaks on Saturated Fat
Great post today from Kelly the Kitchen Kop which includes a video from a cardiologist speaking at a conference to other doctors on the myth of saturated fat. I urge you to watch the video and give it some thought. Some great quotes: “100 years ago less than 1 in 100 Americans ... Continue Reading
2012 Goal: Remain Refined Sugar Free
Why you ask? Surely some sugar in moderation is ok - right? I have come to realize that this just isn't true because 'moderation' today means every day. Sugar is in everything - and I am talking about plain white refined table sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup - to me they are ... Continue Reading
Lessons learned from last week
I love experimenting but with experimentation comes mistakes...eek! So last week I made a few things I have made before (sauerkraut and mayo and custard) but I tweaked a few things. In the sauerkraut I decided to not use the 'whey' and use more salt instead...guess what? It ... Continue Reading
Chanukah and Winter goodies
In addition to what I alreadyposted for this week, I also made these three recipes: 1) kohlrabi latkes - basically used 2 medium kohlrabi -peeled and grated, eggs, coconut flour and onion and fried them up in beeftallow - they were really good - a nice sweetness from the ... Continue Reading
So what is healthy?
I just saw an article (read it here) today which discusses eating animals in a new ethical, sustainable way vs. being vegan or vegetarian - quite interesting - here are my thoughts...Over the years I have tried many different elimination diets - cutting out wheat or dairy or soy, ... Continue Reading