I remember back when I was pregnant with my daughter suffering from major heartburn. I really had never experienced it before that. It was awful. I wasn't able to lie flat on my bed at night! I had to prop myself up with pillows! I tried a number of things but the only thing ... Continue Reading
5 Mistakes to Handling Food Allergies
It is quite possible you started looking into my blog and others like mine because you suffer from some kind of food intolerance or allergy and you were looking for <insert food type here>-free recipes. I get questions from readers pretty much hourly on how to make one of ... Continue Reading
How to Get the Stink Out of Mason Jars
As you know, I am a big fan of fermented foods. I make sauerkraut, pickles, dilly carrots, fermented garlic, and kefir on a regular basis. One of the most annoying things for me about fermenting is keeping track of what I fermented in what jar. I do not like for my kefir to taste ... Continue Reading
5 Mistakes to Successful Grain Free Baking
It always seems that grains get a bad rap, especially when you are first learning about real food. Many people with health problems try gluten free first before anything else. Going gluten-free just wasn't enough for me. I ended up going almost completely grain-free for the past ... Continue Reading
5 New ‘Convenience Foods’
I wanted to give you guys a sneak peak from my new eBook, The Real Food Survival Guide for Busy Moms. I have a whole section on identifying your new 'convenience foods' in a real food kitchen. Here is a look at part of that section including links to my favorite convenience food ... Continue Reading
4 Sacred Foods to Promote Fertility + Recipes to Make Them
This might sound crazy given how many of us took or do take prenatal vitamins, but it is possible to receive adequate nutrition through diet alone. What a concept! All things being equal, vitamins would then be more of an 'insurance policy' to avoid a disaster when nutrition is ... Continue Reading