I have a little five pound Papillon who is around 8 years old. I have raised her from 3 months old and she was my first baby before my actual baby. Her name is Chili because I love hot and spicy chile peppers. While Chili is a fairly happy dog, she has suffered from awful tummy ... Continue Reading
The Missing Nutrient – Vitamin K2
The Missing Nutrient Do you remember what launched you into the world of real food? Was it reading Michael Pollan's book, The Omnivore's Dilemma or watching Food, Inc and learning where your food really came from? Was it getting your hands on a copy of Nourishing Traditions? ... Continue Reading
Healthy School Lunch and Snack Ideas
When I first started blogging, I posted a daily series on what my 3 year old (now 4!) daughter and I ate in a given day. The whole purpose for the 'what we ate today' series was to be honest with myself and my readers on what I actually fed my kid on a daily basis. Now I am doing ... Continue Reading
Are Microwaves Really More Convenient?
I haven't used our microwave in over a year. Contrary to where you think I am heading, I actually stopped using our microwave due to reasons unrelated to health. I really hadn't given that much thought to methods of re-heating my food until I started cooking and eating more real ... Continue Reading
Surprising Healthy Foods Are Making You Fat, Q&A with Lyn-Genet Recitas The Plan
Lyn-Genet has helped thousands of clients with long term positive changes in their health, weight and vitality. One of those clients was me – over 3 years ago. Her focus is on creating internal harmony using the precepts of The Lyn-Genet Plan, an anti-inflammatory diet. The Plan ... Continue Reading
How Healthy Bacteria Protects Your Body From Disease
Here in America, we have serious issues with obesity, cancer and depression. The statistics on obesity are truly out of control, as revealed by a new federal report. About 11 percent of people in the U.S. are taking antidepressants according to figures from the Centers for ... Continue Reading