All you ever wanted to know about my thoughts on cloth diapering after using them for 4 months from newborn stage to almost crawler! Cloth Diapering 101 ... Continue Reading
My birth story
I am finally getting a chance to sit down and write out my birth story before I forget it. Now I do have an almost 8 year old so I am acutely aware of how the best laid birth plans can sometimes not happen. How my birth went with my daughter is one of the reasons I waited so long ... Continue Reading
I am on bedrest: pregnancy update
I hit 27 weeks last Saturday and today is my 5th day of official strict pregnancy bedrest. It has been an interesting week to say the least and I am using all that I have learned to be thankful for this instead of dreading it. I had a scare last weekend that I was leaking ... Continue Reading
The Ultimate Pregnancy Protein Smoothie Recipe
I absolutely love smoothies because you can really add any kind of nutrient you need for the day and while I am pregnant this comes in handy! My midwife has been recommending I get a lot more protein and iron at 23 weeks and is also wanting me to amp up my blood volume and do it ... Continue Reading
7 Supplements to Take During Pregnancy
So it's no secret anymore, I'm pregnant! And the number one question I am getting asked these days is: "What prenatal supplements are you taking?". I wasn't so on top of this during my first trimester although that was mostly because there was about a month when ... Continue Reading