Think you have to marinate your chicken in barbeque sauce for a great grilled chicken? Think again! The way to get a nice thick layer of barbeque sauce which adheres to your chicken without burning it is to use the method below. This is the way to get the skin crisp! Barbeque ... Continue Reading
Real Recipes
Homemade Maple Cider Barbeque Sauce
It is summer grilling time and I could not put it off any longer. My mission: to make my own delicious barbeque sauce. I had a chicken waiting in my fridge and the only way I like chicken grilled is with barbeque sauce. I have been searching for a barbeque sauce that has ... Continue Reading
Preschool Lunch #3
Here is what I packed my 4 year old daughter for lunch today: Leftover goat mole sausage from Salt and Time Raw kohlrabi slices Arugula with a touch of salt A handful of non-GMO corn chips fried in coconut oil (I get them locally here) Purple kraut Like the ... Continue Reading
Preschool Lunch #2
Here is what I packed my 4 year old daughter for lunch today: Leftover beef kabobs with mushrooms raw kohlrabi and onions fermented ketchup for dipping crispy almonds and arugula purple kraut Like the lunchbox? You can get it here. Check out my other lunch and ... Continue Reading
Preschool Lunch #1
Here is what I packed my 4 year old daughter for lunch today: a strip of bacon half an avocado with salt, pepper and apple cider vinegar cauliflower and onions (she loves raw onions!) with Creme Fraichee for dipping crispy almonds (recipe to come) purple kraut Like ... Continue Reading
Homemade Tip Wednesday: How to Make a Pound of Bacon in 20 Minutes
For my 60 posts in 60 days challenge I am starting a new series - Homemade Tip Wednesdays! I will be sharing a quick tip with you every Wednesday. If you want more tips, check out my eBook - The Homemade Mommy Handbook. I have tons of tips for everything from roasting to handling ... Continue Reading