This is the third post in the What Are Fermented Foods? series...Fermented Vegetables (and Sauerkraut) I started out using the simple 3-5 day recipes for fermented veggies from Nourishing Traditions. They turned out alright but it wasn't until I read a post by Nourishing ... Continue Reading
Real Recipes
‘Gedempte’ Braised Chicken (Yiddish for Well-Cooked)
This is my great-grandmother's recipe and we have been making it for years in my family. Gedempte means 'well-cooked' in Yiddish and that is the truth - the recipe involves a 5 hour braise so this is a great option for popping in the oven in the morning and taking it out of the ... Continue Reading
Apricot Chicken with Fresh Sage
I pulled out a whole chicken to defrost last night and had an idea to make a certain recipe but then this morning I realized I didn't have all the ingredients - oops. So I pulled out an old cookbook of my favorite recipes I made for my bridesmaids (way back when) and found a ... Continue Reading
Why I Love Kefir and What Are Kefir Grains?
This is the second installment in my What are Fermented Foods? series where I explain why I love kefir and what are kefir grains. I started making my own kefir from live kefir grains about 2 months ago after many false starts. I tried drinking kefir back when I started eating ... Continue Reading
Grain Free Chocolate Wafer Cookies Icebox Cake
Ah the ice box cake...made with those thin, processed Famous Chocolate wafer cookies and whipped cream...remember that from your childhood? The icebox cake is basically a cake you build with cookies layered with whipped cream which sits in the refrigerator overnight - NO BAKE! ... Continue Reading
My Bubi’s Chopped Liver
This recipe is very special to me. I learned it from my paternal grandmother before her decline with dementia (she has now passed). My grandmother once made a lot of traditional Yiddish recipes until she became a dietician and bought into the low-fat craze. I am glad she ... Continue Reading