So what are fermented foods? I get this question all the time and I am going to provide the answer in three different posts. This one will help you understand what are fermented foods in general and then I will follow up with a post explaining in detail with recipes on how to ... Continue Reading
Real Recipes
Homemade Black Beans
For some many years I just ate black beans out of the can and I can tell you first hand - they aren't like the beans I grew up with in El Paso, TX. They tasted watery and mushy and frankly - well - like a can. Easy in a pinch but certainly not what I would call delicious. My ... Continue Reading
Veal Enchilada Casserole
We love all types of Mexican food and enchiladas are close to the top of my list of foods that remind me of my hometown, El Paso, TX. The only thing that might rank higher would be chile rellenos (stuffed chiles) and I hope to post that recipe in a future post. This ... Continue Reading
Pickles (Fermented)
These pickles are amazing! Real Jewish deli pickles and all the fermented goodness that is amazing for your gut health and immune system! I have scaled down the recipe I found in Real Food Fermentation cookbook. Ingredients 1-2 lbs of cucumbers and peppers or okra 1000 ml ... Continue Reading
Persimmon Ice Cream (Probiotic)
I tried persimmons for the first time at the Farmer's market yesterday and had to buy some to make some ice cream. They were very ripe and so sweet that I cut down on the sugar content in the recipe. What are persimmons? According to wikipedia: Persimmons are the edible fruit ... Continue Reading
Raw Chocolate Coconut Macaroons (aka better brownie bites)
I love chocolate macaroons - I have been buying them at the store and finally got up the nerve to experiment on making my own. These turned out better than I could have hoped! We are going to save so much money and I think I have found the easiest potluck dessert dish ... Continue Reading