Being the mom that doesn’t buy those fun, colorful treats from the store can get wearing after a while. I remember walking through the grocery store with my mom, drooling over the chewy fruit snacks and neon cereals - as a child, I never understood why she staunchly refused to ... Continue Reading
Real Recipes
7 Allergy-Free Snacks for Kids
The following is a contributor post from Kristi of Veggie Converter. My daughter and I have conflicting allergies. I'm gluten and sugar intolerant, while she's dairy and nightshade intolerant. For those of you in the same boat, finding foods free of the eight most common food ... Continue Reading
Preschool Lunch #39
Here is what I packed for my 4 year old for lunch: Taco with onions, sauerkraut on homemade corn tortillas Carrots Arugula Creme Fraiche for dipping Sauerkraut Need more lunch ideas and inspiration? Check out the brand new Facebook page featuring real food ... Continue Reading
Even Easier Homemade Chocolate Recipe
I love my easy homemade chocolate recipe but wanted to switch things up a bit. I have many folks tell me they don't like the taste of coconut or they are allergic. I can't taste the coconut myself but my new found obsession with ghee has motivated me to try this recipe with 100% ... Continue Reading
Preschool Lunch #38
Here is what I packed for my 4 year old for lunch: Cashew Butter, butter, honey on sourdough bread Carrots Broccoli Guacamole Kale chips Sauerkraut Need more lunch ideas and inspiration? Check out the brand new Facebook page featuring real food lunchbox ... Continue Reading
5 Ways to Use Kefir That You’ve Never Heard Of
At its core, kefir is a fermented drinkable yogurt-type beverage made from starter "grains," in a way similar to kombucha. However, it is not just a delicious drink with many probiotic benefits. Here are some unusual ways to use kefir that you probably never thought of ... Continue Reading