I have heard many things but it usually does not click until I SEE something in action. I can literally SEE when you are unhappy and stressed. I can SEE when you are happy and joyful and at peace. How? We all can if we truly see other people.
When was the last time you saw someone and just knew they had a bad day? Are there people you just can’t be around because they stress you out or bring you down or cause you to be concerned? What about the opposite? Are there people you are totally attracted to because they are happy and peaceful and it is a joy to be around them?
Why is this true?
You’ve heard the old saying – “do as I say not as I do”. People blow a lot of hot air and want you to HEAR what they WISH they were but we can all SEE the reality written all over their body language and very core of their being. Yet we have gotten so incredibly good as a society saying whatever we please and believing it to be true. We can literally speak our unflawed perfect lives into existence on social media but underneath the surface we all know its a sham.
This past week, I have been exploring Re’eh (actually means ‘see’ translated from Hebrew) on my path to seeking wholeness and truth (yes I know it has been a while since I shared one of these posts!). For those following along this is Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17. In this passage we learn what we should DO. These words do not ring hollow and aren’t just laws or rituals that are meaningless. What they do is allow others to SEE who we really are. Mitzvot (or what some of you might refer to as laws but I don’t really see them that way) is a way of life. It isn’t about just keeping kosher or lighting candles on Friday night…you see it is MUCH more. It is about living a life of JOY, ENTHUSIASM, EXCELLENCE and RESPECT for everyone around us and it starts AT HOME. Without this, there is nothing and the rituals run hollow.
For example, the other day when my daughter was giving me a hard time when I asked her to do something, I asked her point blank – would you speak to your teacher like you are speaking to me now? Her response: “NO WAY – NEVER!”. My question to her was: “Well then why in the world would you speak to me in this disrespectful manner? You obviously know it is wrong and wouldn’t dare let someone outside this family hear you talk like that. Don’t I deserve even MORE respect than your teacher as your MOTHER?”.
Are you hearing me or seeing me?
So let me ask you – do you talk to people outside your home in a different way than you do inside your home? What if you treated your spouse and children with the same professionalism and respect as you do your colleagues and boss or your gaggle of friends? What would happen? I have embarked on a little experiment and have been pretending my home is like my business – and have taken it a step even further – what if my husband is my BOSS and my daughter is an important client and my household duties are my JOB that I am being evaluated on? Cue scary music right?!
The experiment
Well this week I have done just that. I have treated my entire home life with DILIGENCE and EXCELLENCE. I have told myself for years I am flighty, disorganized and messy. I forget until the last minute to make dinner and I toss out vegetables that have gone bad because I didn’t use them in time. I leave laundry in the dryer to be folded never and my family has to go to the dryer to grab clean clothes they need. That’s my reality. But not this week. I have run a tight ship this week. I have run such a tight ship that I would get a promotion from my boss. And you know what? It feels INCREDIBLE. It feels peaceful. Has it been easy? No but not job ever is and frankly I had gotten lazy with my own home. And guess what? It’s catching on because my husband and daughter can see me living with this sense of EXCELLENCE and they want to as well. So I am actually getting HELP and support from them and lots of thank you’s!
What did I use to help me through this process? Well if I am not joyful I am miserable. I mean what can describe the feeling of constantly missing deadlines and disappointing people with my lack of excellence at home? If I am not representing myself with excellence at home then frankly I am being lazy and downright blind to the benefits of living this way. I have HEARD it preached and explaining a million times but clearly I was BLIND to the benefits until I SAW them first hand. Keep reading below to see how exactly I used three oils to help with these feelings and emotions during this experiment. I don’t know…all I know is I am never turning back. My family deserves this kind of mother.
Wrap up: Oils to add to your prayers
All oil references to emotions are from this book. I use this book in a variety of ways and explain how in this video.
- Joy for feeling Miserable. The other side is Joy. Say “I am free” while applying a drop of Joy under the right side of your ribs.
- Spearmint for feeling Lazy. The other side is Initiatve. Say “I am motivated” while applying Spearmint to the left side of your ribs.
- Hope for Blindness. The other side is Illumination. Say “I can breathe with certainty” while applying Hope to the nose and sinuses.
Thanks so much for sharing your insights. They are very timely as the new schoolyear begins and the entire family can benefit from intentional excellence!!! By the way, I personally interpret mitzvot as “deeds”. Positiv deeds thst helps us stay close to the “boss”. Have a refreshing and peaceful Shabbat!
Such helpful info I’ve never even thought of. Thank you!