These last 9 or so months have been an opportunity for me to do some major soul searching. If you haven’t noticed, I have not had any presence on social media at all since November. I did this for many reasons and it has been so important for me to get some clarity and just pour into my family, my marriage, and many new local friends. So while I haven’t been publicly “out there”, I have been doing a lot which I can now update you on!
No…I am not pregnant or welcoming a new baby – LOL. Let’s just get that out of the way phew. I have my hands full with my now 4.5 year old boy and my almost teenager girl (wow having both those ages at the same time has been like a sledgehammer!).
So why did I get off social media? Well to be brief about it…I have been censored on social media – shadow banned, blacklisted…I do not even know what to call it these days…for many many years. And it constantly felt like a battle of reaching you. I get so many kind emails and DMs from you … and even run into people in my real in person life who recognize me and want to share how my words have helped them with their health or inspired them in some way. I know my words matter. I hated being silenced. And in the freakin’ U S of A at that! It is super discouraging. All for speaking my opinions about healthy myths and facts. Topics which not surprisingly were targeted first by the likes of Big Tech silencing. Now it all makes sense but for years I just couldn’t fathom why mentioning certain probiotic strains or even vitamin A or K2 would get me on so many hit lists.
I also felt that the platforms were driving a wedge and forcing people to “take sides”…health wise and politics wise. Since when do we need sides? We are all human. We all just want to LIVE FREE and be healthy and happy.
All I wanted to do was GET OFF these platforms that were muzzling me. I didn’t want to see which “side” you were on. I just wanted to be with my family and friends and leave it at that for a while to just get to a better place. Because ultimately … I just wanted to give myself time to figure out how to proceed with my life and business given a world without certain freedoms for me. How could I continue to bring value? Where should we live? Who do we want to be surrounded with? What kind of education do I want for my kids? How do I get more involved in my local community? Should we even stay where we are? How can I repair the damage that this stress has done to my body this last year? All of these questions had to be answered. I had to work on MYSELF…it was inner work. I couldn’t post outwardly without being right inwardly.
I know what I have to say is valuable. I BRING VALUE to people’s lives with my words. Due to all the deep work I have done this year…I am feeling more confident now than ever in just sharing my words even if no one can see them. We are only silenced if we stop speaking out. And that isn’t me. My thoughts were always there. Writing them to you is like journaling for me. Because you can’t cancel the truth. The truth is just the truth no matter how skewed things seem to be. In the end the truth always wins. God always wins. In fact, we’ve already won. I KNOW I have.
So…to come soon are more posts from me. But you may have to focus really hard to find them and see them. And that’s ok with me. Nothing of value comes easily in this world. I will be using my blog to write longer more in depth post updates on various topics as I am inspired to do so. Things like…
…how I gained over 15 pounds over the last year and why…and how I lost them…
…how we got some peace back in our home implementing some new parenting strategies…
…how I have become obsessed with plants and gardening when I used to have a black thumb…
…how I have helped lead a movement of just typical people defend their rights in Texas…and how much progress we’ve made…
…how we almost moved away from Austin, TX (where I have lived off and on since 1995)…and how we decided to stay…
…how we bought some land in Fredericksburg, TX and what are we doing with it now…
…how we remodeled are Airstream and where will we go next?…
…how I have cleaned out and organized our home and how my daughter helps me in so many ways…
I could go on and on…so much to update you on. Point is…just because I was not posting these last few months doesn’t mean I am not THRIVING! So NOW you can come directly to my blog here to find my new blog posts or you can subscribe for updates via my Subscribe Star. I am also planning to do a weekly livestream to my YouTube account so make sure you follow me there. They shadow ban me too so you will need to set it to notify you when I go live. Also follow me on Instagram @hmademommy as I am testing doing “reels” and stories to share bits and pieces of my life there. I will not be back on Facebook as I really don’t prefer their platform and no one sees anything I share there anyway. I am of course on twitter and telegram…but I will warn you I share more political and activist type posts there so follow me there if you like that kind of thing. I mean we ALL have political opinions – I will honor and love your views as a HUMAN if you also honor mine and the purpose of my posts aren’t to divide but to unite under the banner of the freedom we are all meant to enjoy…and to save lives as best I can. If you are on my Young Living team…expect to see some regular zooms from me too…excited for that!
Ok all that housekeeping aside…excited to be more present with you again!

Hi there,
I’m not sure how I got on your list, but I enjoyed reading your letter.
I also run a health-related blog and left social media as well. My posts were continually censored for speaking out about medical tyranny, so I left.
Screw big tech. I refused to be on their commy platforms any longer, so I deleted my accounts. Bad for business, but good for my soul.
Onward! 🙂 Best of luck to you!
Probably from many years ago! Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment! Yes good for the soul. In the end God wins! The truth always comes out!
Welcome back. I am so thankful that you are healing from the inside out. Many of us have had to undergo similar healing processes this last year.
Thanks for sharing!
Hello Lindsay! It’s nice to see you’re back doing what you do and love. So many parallels between us. We were living for 20 years in San Antonio, TX, became disgusted with the D run sanctuary city approach and fled to Arkansas in 2018. I just joined your Telegram page as our political views align. I also wanted to mention that I purchased a book with recipes for lip balm, deodorant and other useful things back in 2015 (?) and can’t find it on my old laptop – it was an e-book. I would purchase it again if you still have it for sale. Wishing you and yours all the best! I can’t believe your daughter is a teenager! She was around 4 years old when I first started reading “Homemade Mommy” and I remember you being pregnant with your 2nd child. How time flies! God Bless!
We’ve been in Austin for a decade now and are looking to relocate to Arkansas too for many of the same reasons! We’re open to suggestions on great places to scout out. Lindsey, waiting to hear about fighting for your rights in Fredericksburg!
I do love Texas – born and raised here! I can’t imagine moving to another state…but just leaving a very blue city which I have lived in off and on since 1995! In the end we decided to stay and fight for our city!
Nice to meet you! Yes time does fly by!
Love hearing from you!! These topics sound so relevant for me!! Thank you!!! Can’t wait to read them all!!
Happy to share! Again!
So good to see your face!! I miss you guys.
Awww thanks Lindsey!
Glad to see you back. I wondered where you went and searched for you just the other week. I always appreciate your information.
Hey, so glad you are back!
Thank you!
It’s good to see you back.. I look forward to your emails and videos.
So happy you’re back!!
Thank you!
Am so sorry that your “voice” has been challenged. I am a 65 year old woman, still working at “the job” I picked so I could survive in this life. I live in Washington start and won’t even tell you the nightmare we are living in. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever felt that this would be happening in the US. If I did a blog….I am sure I would be censored also as I have studied on my own the benefits of herbs, etc. My hope is that we all will have a format that we will be able to share things we have learned. That is how human kind has got this far is to hand down information. I work for a local grocery chain & believe me, I wonder every day how we managed to get this far! These are people who are “educated”….it is mind boggling.
So hang tough, girlfriend. You need to vent…..my email is down below. We women who still have brain cells and common sense have to stick together.
Blessings to you and your family…..keep up the good work
Aw thanks! No matter how many see it – your voice is worth it!
I sure missed reading your posts on FB and given what has been happening lately, I feel as the entire world is somehow losing it’s soul. I hope that there are still enough people out there who realise the importance of staying true to themselves and not being swayed by secret agendas… enough said!
I look forward to reconnecting with you via other avenues.
Sonia, from Perth, Australia
In the end God WINS right?
So glad you are back!! I’ve missed you!
Thank you!
I noticed you don’t work with Hairprint anymore. Is there any specific reason for that?
Soon after I used it, I decided I just liked my hair natural – gray. I just didn’t need to dye it anymore!
I for one have really missed you and Facebook and read your posts. I feel abandoned and wish you would consider posting from time to time. You always had such great information.
I am sorry you felt abandoned. Did you read my latest post? Check back here on my blog often to read my new posts. No social media feed is gonna tell you I’ve posted LOL
I am so happy you’re back I have always loved your energy and beliefs and you’re very inspiring to my own health journey!