What If You Were Given All The Natural Solutions Needed To Protect Your Family?
Get Your Starter Kit Filled with Natural Solutions For Cleaning & Wellness Now…
Where We Solve Problems Naturally…
WATCH: Super Quick Intro to Essential Oils
“You Pay For The Starter Kit, I’ll Cover The Shipping!”
“Tell Me Where To Ship Your Kit Today!”
Natural, non-toxic solutions for wellness and cleaning, making it simple for you to:
- create natural remedies that keep you and your family HEALTHY
- keep things calm and peaceful and reduce that stress
- mama’s little helper for #allthethings
- one stop shop to avoid toxic chemicals in your home
- naturally solve your problems with help from our amazing community
- and more!
Are you fed up with the amount of toxins in your food, personal care and beauty products, medicine, and in front of your children in YOUR home?
Have you been searching for natural ways to protect your family?
Are you tired of using commercial cleaners and drug store deodorant and OTC meds, etc., knowing that they aren’t good for you and your families health, but don’t know how or where to even begin?
Are you so busy that you don’t even know how you’ll find the time, or better yet… find the money to start living more naturally?
Removing toxins and using natural health solutions can drastically impact one’s life
The impact that removing toxin chemicals can have on a family at the right moment is incredible.
It could help to change someone’s health, it can provide a safe home for a family to live in, and can ensure health for future generations.
There’s never been a more critical time…
We are at a point where we must start making some changes not only for our health but for our family’s health.
Times are changing and if we don’t start paying close attention to the toxins all around us, our health will inevitably deteriorate.
Diet and exercise used to keep us healthy, but now…it’s just not enough.
We MUST focus on living more naturally and understanding how toxins play a role. Our health and emotional well-being actually depend on it.
We are busier than ever and everything seems to cost more these days…
But when given the right support and resources, we can actually save time and money and living a natural lifestyle just becomes simple and second nature. We must regain the ancient wisdom we have lost and we do that through community.
I felt this way too. I had a full time corporate job for IBM and worked like 80 hours a week while taking care of a baby and toddler.
I am living proof that you definitely can live a more non toxic life using natural solutions and you will dramatically improve your life in doing so! It’s actually more simple than you think.
But only if you know how to get your hands of the natural solutions that have been changing so many lives…
Let me share a little secret with you…
My sister showed me how to use essential oils when I was sick when I was a teenager when she diffused them in my room for me. And somehow I got lost along the way using all kinds of meds that didn’t help me get to the root of the problem.
I thought all the modern things would help me but they didn’t. Once I refocused back on the root cause, I was able to protect myself and my family again!
Everything changed that one day
When I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia…
It took me months of recovery and many follow ups. I remember meeting with the Chief Pulminologist of the hospital and him saying: “you need to quit your full time job and pull your toddler out of daycare because your immune system cannot handle all the germs coming at you.”
At that moment everything changed. I remember thinking…
THIS is not my way forward. There must be a better way to heal my body for good and boost my immune system. I told myself I would find the root cause and not hide myself and my daughter in my home worried about germs all the time.
I knew that I had to start to research a different way to eat and that it mattered what I put in my body and on my body. I knew that what I found would profoundly impact my health and change my life forever and that I needed to share that with the world!
I started Homemade Mommy to help me sort out all my own recipes and share how easy busy moms and dads can live this natural lifestyle but I could only reach so many people with my full time Corporate job.
It sure is amazing what God had in store for me. I started exploring how to make my own sunscreen and deodorant and readers wanted more! I wanted to find some REAL essential oils that didn’t give me asthma or migraine headaches. I realized 99% of the oils out there are just synthetic fragrances and that is why I didn’t want to go near them.
A dear friend introduced me to Young Living and I could not believe the difference. They didn’t make me sick and actually helped me so much on my journey to address the root cause of my asthma and other health issues.
So I started to share about them and very quickly started growing a massive movement and community that is now over 75000 members strong worldwide. We help each other with everything from teething babies to sleepless nights, sore muscles to healthy digestion and poop, and even spicing things up in the bedroom by helping our hormones!
And it all started with a starter kit! And what’s even more exciting is that in my mission to reach and help as many more people as I can, I’ll cover the shipping for your kit!
Are You Ready to
Get Your Starter Kit
“You Pay For The Kit, I’ll Cover The Shipping!”
Tell Me Where To Ship Your Kit Today!”
This starter kit is packed full of all the essential oils you need to get started with in your home. Filled with 12 essential single oils and exclusive blends plus a FREE diffuser to smell them all, you’ll also get tons of invaluable apps, books and resources + exclusive access to my members only VAULT filled with thousands of diffuser and DIY recipes where you will learn how to:
- Make your own beauty and personal care products including getting a FREE copy of my book Homemade Mommy’s Beauty Essentials!
- Find the safest and most effective oils to use in any situation
- Save money with all natural and non-toxic remedies
- Protect your family from hidden toxins
- Become confident in supporting your healthy body everyday
- Get your oils and wellness products paid for by sharing them with friends and family so you can achieve vibrant wellness in all aspects of your life!
This Starter Kit Has Already Helped Countless Members Around the Globe Solve Their Problems Naturally…
The Question is, “Are you NEXT?”
Don’t Just Take My Word For It. See What Others Are Saying About Their Starter Kit!
“For me it’s all about my kids! The oils, particularly cedar wood, frank, valor, vetiver and brain power have been miraculous at giving my son with peace, focus, calm and words. Yes! He’s happy and talking so much more because of our starting these oils! I’m so incredibly glad I jumped in with both feet!”
“I don’t know how amazing it is to other people but I’ve been so stressed at work the past couple months that I was constantly tense and couldn’t sleep. With a combination of stress away, lavender and some other oils I’ve been sleeping well and handle everything at work better! For only starting in November is was an instant win for me.”
“I have had so much trouble getting my son to fall asleep at night so I stared using cedar wood that was recommended by a friend. It works great so we both get a good nights sleep. Happy mommy!!”
“I don’t feel like I’m on a hormonal roller coaster anymore!!! Wonderful oils. Wonderful.”
Signing Up As A Young Living Wholesale Member – STEP BY STEP
1. Sign up here to get started. I will email you back with more information.
2. Signing up – Select “Sign Up As: Young Living Wholesale Member”
3. Enroller and Sponsor – The “Enroller ID” and “Sponsor ID” boxes should already be auto-populated for you. (If for some reason it is not, enter 1478552 in both boxes)
4. Personal Information – Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact information.
5. Username, Password and Pin – Create your password and pin which you will use to log in to your account and order your oils.
6. Select your Premium Starter Kit. This is where you can specify which starter kit you would like (and you know I think the Premium Kit is the way to go!). You also get to pick which diffuser you would like with your kit. You can also purchase other items at this time if you wish. Young Living does not have any contracts, monthly minimum purchases, or annual fees. Nothing like that. It truly is risk free to add these amazing oils to your life.
7. Set up your *optional* Essential Rewards Program. As a Young Living wholesale member, you also have the option to join our frequent buyer’s club called Essential Rewards. I find it is best to chip away and make these simple swaps each month on Essential Rewards. Why? Because the ER club allows me to accumulate reward points that I can redeem for free products! I also get a cheaper flat rate on shipping when I order via Essential Rewards.
8. Agree to Terms & Conditions.
9. CONFIRM YOUR ORDER. I have had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out. To confirm, the tool will log you in and it will show you your order again and it will make you enter in your payment information again. We wouldn’t want that to happen because then you would not get your oils!
That’s it! Easy peasy! Welcome to the amazingly healthy, addictive world of essential oils!
Make sure to contact me once you get started so I can make sure to add you to my member’s only Facebook group and other support resources!