I just saw an article (read it here) today which discusses eating animals in a new ethical, sustainable way vs. being vegan or vegetarian – quite interesting – here are my thoughts…
Over the years I have tried many different elimination diets – cutting out wheat or dairy or soy, etc. – to try to fix various things I could tell were wrong with my body – digestion, energy level, mood, asthma and allergies. I looked into cutting out meat, I ate more veggies, I ate low-fat too. I never really felt any of them really worked and I often just felt hungry and like I was on a ‘diet’. I always craved meat. Even when I was newly pregnant and totally sick all the time – meat and milk was all I wanted.
I remember when I was a teenager my mother briefly became a vegetarian and soon after became anemic. She often said after that to me – we are meat eaters – it is in our blood. I instinctively knew that I needed ‘fat’ and often would seek it out when feeling run down – whether through a burger and fries or some fried eggs or some really good greasy Mexican food. Until I read and started to understand the role saturated fat plays in the human diet I just figured I was having will-power issues. Apparently not – these animal based fats/foods contain vital fat soluble vitamins like A, D and K2 and like B-12- these vitamins are building blocks for our immune systems. These are not in polyunsaturated fats found in canola, cottonseed, margarine. Since I have started eating more a more traditional diet that includes more saturated fat I have started to resolve many issues I have had for many years – I am no longer taking asthma medication and I have surprisingly lost about 10 pounds and my stomach isn’t killing me all the time. I also have far more energy and patience with my toddler.
Now I know how to focus on both eating locally and ethically and eating the foods that nourish me – and not as surprisingly – they are all related. What do you think?
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I'm so glad you're feeling better! Usually we are a 75% vegetarian whole-grain household, but when I'm pregnant our meat/animal product consumption goes way up. One of the trademarks of my pregnancies has been an inability to cope with processed carbohydrates, especially first thing in the morning. The result is 9 months of eggs and potatoes for breakfast. By the time the baby is born I'll be craving oatmeal, I'm sure! Even soaked oatmeal disagrees with me right now.I've been trying to use better fats. We save canola oil for deep frying, and stick to butter, olive oil, and coconut oil.