So what are fermented foods? I get this question all the time and I am going to provide the answer in three different posts. This one will help you understand what are fermented foods in general and then I will follow up with a post explaining in detail with recipes on how to ... Continue Reading
Pickles (Fermented)
These pickles are amazing! Real Jewish deli pickles and all the fermented goodness that is amazing for your gut health and immune system! I have scaled down the recipe I found in Real Food Fermentation cookbook. Ingredients 1-2 lbs of cucumbers and peppers or okra 1000 ml ... Continue Reading
Habanero Hot Sauce – Fermented
Ingredients As many habaneros, jalapenos and other unidentifiable peppers that arrive in your CSA box salt water Directions USE GLOVES! Cut off pepper stems and run through a food processor. Mix 1 quart water with 1 TBSP salt for the brine. Add peppers to brine and cover ... Continue Reading
Fermented Ketchup
This is just one of the many recipes I feature in my new eBook, The Real Food Survival Guide for Busy Moms. Have you checked it out yet? My husband loves ketchup so I am searching for a good homemade fermented recipe that he will like. He did NOT like the Nourishing Traditions ... Continue Reading
Weekly meal plan
What I am making this week: 1) Sauerkraut! I have started getting cabbage in my Johnson's Backyard Garden CSA box again so it was time to try my hand at the NT sauerkraut recipe. I usually buy some at our weekly farmer's market but boy was this easy and I was able to get 1.5 ... Continue Reading