It's that time again! I am starting up a BRAND NEW Homemade Mommy Community. Why? Well because you are reading this and I don't know you! And one of the things that brings me JOY is knowing my readers. Because how can I best help you if I don't know you? Right? So how will ... Continue Reading
Survey Shows Children Know Little About Food
Did you know that cheese comes from a plant? Did you also know that tomatoes grow under ground? Apparently this is what children surveyed in the UK believe to be true! A recent survey conducted in the UK of more than 27,000 children shows that children know very little about ... Continue Reading
Confessions of a former Big Food Executive Bruce Bradley
A Former Food Industry Insider Dishes on Big Food Profits After working as a processed food marketer for over 15 years Bruce Bradley has had enough of Big Food companies, and he's taking a stand for real food. At his website he shares the tricks, traps, and ... Continue Reading
Real Food Survival Guide for Working Moms
Think it is impossible to be a working mom and cook real food? Think again! If you are a regular reader then you know I am not a 'stay at home mom' - I work a full-time corporate job for IBM. However, I do work from home which has allowed me the flexibility to develop a real ... Continue Reading