We are a part of many communities. We are often told: Birds of a feather flock together. We are also told to spend time with people that enrich you and raise you up! While all of this might be true, I actually have been doing some of the opposite lately. I am more curious about ... Continue Reading
I can do it myself!
Confession: When I was a little girl, the most uttered phrase out of my mouth was: "I can do it myself!" or sometimes simply: "MYSELF!". I was the most determined little child and I had to do it all myself! I truly wanted to learn to do everything myself. Always fighting to ... Continue Reading
New Weekly Series: Seeking Truth and Wholeness, Oils and the Bible
I am so excited to announce a brand new weekly series! I have undertaken a new personal development goal...to study and learn from the Torah every week to bring more joy and compassion into my home and life. You may or may not know this but in Judaism we study ... Continue Reading