Isn't it always the case that when something really challenging comes up in our lives, we have some decisions to make about what we will do? We pray. We ponder. We draw boundaries. But most of all: we rise. At some point we rise to the challenge. It might be years later after ... Continue Reading
When life gives you lemons…
We all want each day to be blessed. But what does this really mean? Does it mean that you only want to experience 'good' things? What is a 'good' experience and how do we know each day was good enough? Something happened to me this week that by most accounts would seem to be very ... Continue Reading
New Weekly Series: Seeking Truth and Wholeness, Oils and the Bible
I am so excited to announce a brand new weekly series! I have undertaken a new personal development study and learn from the Torah every week to bring more joy and compassion into my home and life. You may or may not know this but in Judaism we study ... Continue Reading