This post is part of Homemade Mommy’s ‘what we ate today’ series. I post what both I ate and what I fed my 3 year old daughter to give this community ideas on how to eat real food and that it is possible to feed a child REAL food.
L’Shana Tova! We are visiting family this weekend to celebrate Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) but thankfully we are only a 3 hour drive away so I was able to bring some of my own food (just the basics for breakfast and lunch foods that would have gone bad had I just left them at home). I am most thankful for how accommodating my MIL has been on this trip – she made all of her foods from scratch for us – including brisket and roast turkey! No processed food in most items (except for the honey cake – I sent her a grain free recipe which she attempted but it was a huge fail because of an almond flour for coconut flour direct swap – learning curve about grain free cooking!).

What a difference a year makes – we are so blessed to have so much support. I am amazed at how well my tummy has done on this trip. Usually by day 2 I am suffering. I really think the kefir is helping a great deal plus I do have to give myself credit for being pretty strict for the past year and allowing myself to heal. I think my gut has healed significantly and a few days with food I don’t normally eat (hidden sugars, vegetable oils and grains) seems to affect me less now. I don’t think I could eat it all the time but at least I can have some leeway – hooray!
My daughter is doing well too – it truly amazes me how mature she can be for a 3.5 year old. There was a supermarket cake tonight and she was happy to eat the homemade honey cake and some fruit instead – no fits or whining involved! She tried everything including the pickled herring tonight! My favorite quote from her of the night (upon tasting the challah): Mommy – you need to find this recipe and make it for us at home!’ Yay for traditional South African Jewish food!
Meal / Snack |
Homemade Mommy |
The Kiddo |
Breakfast |
2 fried eggs in butter Raw Cheese Kraut Kefir |
Vanilla Goat Yogurt Applesauce Grapes Cinnamon |
AM Snack |
N/A | Banana |
Lunch |
Arugula salad, hard boiled egg, babaganoush, kraut | Raw cheese, hardboiled egg, babaganoush, arugula, tomatoes, carrots, avocado, leftover pommes persillade |
PM Snack |
N/A | Mangos |
Dinner |
Apples and honey and Challah for a ‘sweet new year’, Pickled herring, chopped herring, pomegranate seeds, brisket, tzimmes, asparagus, roast turkey, fruit and apple cake for dessert for the kiddo |
| – ‘What we ate today’ |